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Trailer Driver Shortage in Europe: A Crisis and an Opportunity

January 21, 2022

The scarcity of truck drivers in Europe is becoming increasingly difficult for hauliers and the entire logistics industry. Since the epidemic began, there has been a significant surge in demand, and with a harsher mobility package from the EU in force, the shortage may become even more serious. Hauliers are having difficulty finding adequate drivers, while their clients are placing an increasing number of orders, putting enormous strain on the firms. The surge in demand in Europe as it recovers from the pandemic is producing severe supply issues. Because of the heavy pressure, capacity has been stretched thin, and businesses have begun to experience delays, resulting in a slowdown. All of this has a cascading effect, making the driver shortage even more apparent than before.

Absence of young workforce

According to data from industry organisations, there is a 400,000-strong deficit of heavy truck drivers in Europe. This scenario may worsen as the workforce ages and it becomes more difficult to recruit young workers. Low earnings, a negative image of the job among young people, and poor treatment of workers are claimed to be contributing factors to the EU driver shortage. Professional groups and institutions are banding together to identify new sources of recruitment. The industry is attempting to boost the feminization of the labour force. This technique appears to have had some success in the United States, where their proportion has climbed from 3% to 11%, but it appears that current working conditions do not allow for the widespread realization of this target demographic, at least not in Europe. Another pool has recently been identified: migrants. The International Road Transport Union (IRU) has launched an effort to promote awareness among European institutions about the actions that must be done to attract and train legal migrants as road drivers.

Many people are concerned that the problem will worsen with the new harsher EU commercial road transport labour law (dubbed the "mobility package") that came into effect in February. Truck drivers are now able to earn a minimum wage in each member state as a result of the laws. They can work in most jobs outside their home country, have a minimum rest period, and must return to their homeland every eight weeks. On the one hand, the mobility package may wind up complicating the haulier's company because salaries vary depending on the country in which their drivers operate, as well as a potential need for extra vehicles because their trucks must return to their hometown every eight weeks. This should boost their safety while also benefiting their health due to reduced exposure. On the other hand, the new laws may help to improve the industry's reputation and drive recruitment.

Being a professional driver has numerous advantages for young talent: In addition to strong odds of being hired, practical training with engagement in office procedures, and top trainee programmes with particular support, there is a positive projection of rising salaries due to a driver shortage. Professional drivers can also rely on a high degree of autonomy over their everyday driving routine: Whether it's listening to audio books or podcasts, making hands-free phone conversations, or meeting co-workers at rest breaks, the driver community is one huge family taking over the roads.